(…and Why I Have Them Use Them Daily!)

My son Al’s homeschool sketchbook

Why I Personally Love Daily Sketches

For years, I have started each of my art classes with a sketch suggestion on the board and a stack of drawing paper near the door so the kids can grab a sheet when they come in, look at the drawing prompt and get busy. This helps me in a number of ways. It allows me a few minutes at the beginning of each class to take attendance, it lets students who are always sliding in just as the bell rings to get settle before I start my lesson, and it gives me time to answer questions posed at my door by administration or other teachers (yes, this happens often!)

Why Sketches?

Creativity is like a muscle, and for it to grow, it needs to be exercised. Kids often say “I can’t draw,” but what they mean is they don’t think they can draw well. By doing a sketch every day, especially one they don’t have to show anyone but me, the pressure is off and they can get some practice in. Although I assign a topic, it is open ended enough for the picture to be different for everyone.

My First Assignment of the Year

For example, on the first day of class, I always have the same assignment. I tell them to draw anything they like (although with older kids I clarify that it must be school appropriate). If they struggle with what to draw, I suggest they draw what they normally draw or doodle when they’re at home. It can be done in any style, they can add as much or as little detail as they like, and I will accept this work with no criticism. That part is important. The first day of class is the best day to start building trust. I usually don’t know what they’re capable of unless I’ve had them the year before, so I get to see where they’re at artistically. I get to see what interests them. I get to see who works really fast and who needs the whole class to be happy with their work. This helps me throughout the year when I’m planning my lessons and grading work.

Making Students Their Own Sketchbook is Beneficial for Both Teachers and Students.

Sketchbooks also benefit the students. Classroom transitions can be chaotic but knowing how we will begin every class is comforting. They usually enjoy the different suggestions, and I often ask them to make suggestions for future sketches. Some of them get really silly with them, but that’s okay with me. They are learning. They are being creative. They can work in their comfort zone. They learn that their work shouldn’t look like everyone else’s.

My Last Assignment of the Year

During the school year, I have students write their name, the date and the sketch title on the back of each sketch before they turn them in to me, and I save them in individual folders until the end of the year. I design a cover with their name or nickname and the school year on it and print it out on cardstock, then bind their sketches into a sketchbook using a spiral binding machine. When I give them back the last week of school, the kids really enjoy looking at where they were at the beginning of the year compared to the end, and they always walk around the room showing their sketches to their classmates. I also encourage them to add a drawing or design to the cover of their sketchbook. It makes a great keepsake and a fun way to spend the last few days of class.

Using Sketchbook as a Homeschool Teacher

I have used sketchbooks with my once a week homeschool coop students as well. There are obviously less pages than a daily sketchbook, but I add blank pages at the end when I bind it and let them have the last day of class to let their friends do a doodle and sign their names on these blank pages. Since homeschool coops often don’t have yearbooks, this makes a great substitute!

Using Sketchbooks as a Homeschool Parent

If you homeschool your children, you can purchase a blank sketchbook or hole punch printer paper and add pages into a three-ring binder. Pinterest has many lists of sketch suggestions, or you can sign up to receive monthly sketch suggestions by email on my contact page. I recommend daily sketching for adults as well. It doesn’t take much time, it’s inexpensive, and who knows? You might just love doing it!

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