When the construction on my studio was completed a few years ago, I decided I wanted to have a Christmas tree set up all year long to celebrate holidays and other special occasions. Each year, my favorite one has been my Halloween tree. This year, I decided to decorate it with purple and orange lights, painted wooden Halloween shapes and some handcrafted ornaments. I saw a Halloween candy cane ornament on Pinterest and decided to make my own version using things I already had. I like the way it turned out and it was very easy to make!


To make a beaded Halloween candy cane ornament, you will need a black pipe cleaner, some skull beads which I found at Micheals in the jewelry section, some black wooden or plastic beads, a pair of scissors or wire cutters, about 6” of clear or silver cord and a little hot glue.


1. Start adding your beads to the pipe cleaner, alternating the skulls and the black beads. I also alternated which direction the skulls would be facing since the candy cane has a bend flipping the direction of the beads.

2. When it’s the length that you want, use a pair of scissors or wire cutters to cut the end of the pipe cleaner flush with the beads on both ends.

3. Add a drop of hot glue onto each end to keep the beads in place.

4. Make a loop for hanging with about 6” of clear or silver string, then loop it onto the top of the Candy Cane. The ornament is now ready to hang on your tree!

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